Wednesday, December 1, 2010



If you look to the side, you will see the first widget I am working on. After a while, I will make widgets for people if they want them. As you can see I'm still having some formatting problems, so it's not final.

Winter Cafe

This is my design for the cafe during winter, I'll edit it if you have any suggestions.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Hey Chobots,
As some people may know, I make headers on Photoshop, for lots of people. Now, I will make anyone a header, or help fix widgets on their blog, just comment on this post, or message me on Chobots. For example, I made this one for agent swettie101:

Monday, November 29, 2010

I'm Back!

Hey Chobots!
I have lots of news, some good some bad. Well first of all, like I said, I'm back on Chobots finnaly. And I know my blog got taken off the blogroll on the main page, but it's happened before, and maybe if I keep posting they will put it back. Anyway, another good thing is that I'm gonna change my name to Scribe, or Antimatter, if they aren't taken. I sent the email earlier today. Now, here's the bad news, something happened with Warrior7878 (the agent)(my cousin), and he got hacked :/ Now he was de-agented, and banned, which I'm sure is disappointing for all his fans. I wish there was a way for him to get his account back. It seems like so many Chobots are getting hacked these days :/ Now, with that, the last thing I would like to say is that I have a new chat, it's getting quite popular actually, it's called Chobot Center. The link is Also, if you click the chat page, it should show up there too. Okay, I know that was a lot to read, but I'm thinking of becoming a citizen, soon, but I also want to buy the fire boots, can't decide. I'll put it up on a poll :)
Well thanks for reading,
Youngjeezy456/new name soon :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jessie2000 party!

Jessie made the BEST party EVER! She rained J2K shirts, Vayerman Wrinkly shirts, lots of magic, love shirts, and WAY more, here are some pics, but I didn't get everything.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Hey guys,
I made a Comic called "When Chobots lost Color!", click it to expand size. Comment :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

There are new items in the catalog! Golden Wings, new Magic Wings, and a new Alien Mask! Also, Chobots now have a Garbage Collector Contest!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Free Blog updates!

Hey guys, we are making free headers and blog updates at

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hey guys,
There was a party with Jessie2000 today. Here are the pics, I blurred out the status and bugs bars so everyone can use them.

Chobot Crown.

As some old Chobots may know, there used to be a Chobots "Tiara", but there was never a crown. So I made a Chobots Crown.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Server 210

Hey Chobots,

I you have seen Server210 on someone on your friends list, that just means that they are choosing a server, to go in, or loading into another server.

Hope I helped,


I made a new design for Chobots, and I also work for, which is LittleBigPlanet's blog. Please visit it. Here it is, it will also be in the design page :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Banners/Spring Update

First of all, I am updating my blog for Spring, you guys should too :) There is a contest on Jessie's blog, hurry, before spring comes! Second, there are some new banners on the Chobots Blog, and they are way better then the last ones. This one is my favorite:

Oh yeah, and there is a new poll on the Chobots Blog, if dating should be banned. I personally think it should, I mean this is a family game, which means children are here, and I don't think all parents want there kids dating, with people that they have never met in person before. What do you guys think?

Valentine Day Design.

Sorry it's late, I forgot to post it, I will be working on some new designs soon, sorry I haven't been posting, I will start posting every day for now on.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Now Creating!

Hello, if you would like your own personalized header, cursor, design and more, please comment on this post.
P.S I can make you a cursor HTML like mine, or an interactive header like mine, but those take a little longer, and I would have to become admin of your blog.

Chobots Universe Shirt

Hey guys,
I made a Shirt for the Chobots Guide I work for. Here it is. Click the Chobot to visit.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day! I'm gonna make a Valentines Day Chobot Design!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Two new designs!

Here are two design requests I got, and here is how they came out, I made Vintage a background, and Xvinny99 wanted a shirt with his name, so I made that too. Do you like them?


If anyone wants a design something like this, or a shirt made for your Chobot, I can make you one. That picture is an example of one I made for my favorite mod, Jessie2000. So if anyone wants one then comment on this post, or talk to me in Chobots.


Chobots decorated the park again for Christmas, here is how it looks.
P.S. German Chobots and Indian Chobots will probably get the Santa Hat and Scarf for there Beta items, but they didn't decorate yet.